
Alternate World \\ Keen

Alternate World

That damp, hot awakening with screams of surprise, and all us crammed and stuck. 
A cracked and opened sky, the night had pressed as Hades and Ares thundered through us. 
Swapping rooms with tears,
I could only watch, jaw locked.
Static electricity crept through the screen. 
Teeth clicked loud with string and
swirling windows were soundproof, somehow. 
Webbing bound my legs to you
that next sunny day.
The light seeping in, seductive to tired eyes. 
Everybody came back with stones, smooth and brilliant,
and I touched my empty hands. 


I dropped to my knees
when it arrived in the mail.
Shining and new,
blinking cream.

It was something my hands 
could continue to touch.
A beacon
within this empty home.

Rejoicing in that solitary possession
was insanity,
yet I laid flat as a carpet
kissing that tile.

Shrine to my life
in front of my eyes.

JC Cormack

JC Cormack is a 23 year old multidisciplinary artist exploring many mediums from drawing, painting, and sculpture, to poetry and prose. They are currently pursuing a bachelors of design at OCAD University. \\ IG: @cormackjulia