
Gender Fuck \\ Passing

Gender Fuck 

I am a gender bender 
a boy/girl not belonging to all boy or
all girl 
somewhere in-between 

I wear a tux 
on New Year’s Eve 
shiny red bow tie 
I tell my barber 
cut my hair like a guy’s please 

I sometimes get called
‘Sir’ and I LOVE IT 

I am a gender bender 
bending rules of gender a
boy/girl not belonging but
somewhere in-between 

I wear boxers under my
fly-button 501 jeans 
I’ll go to a dance  
in a shirt and tie 

I use the men’s room 
and never wait in line

I am a gender bender 
bending rules of gender a
boy/girl not belonging but
somewhere in-between 

I hide my breasts under
flannel shirts in winter 
when I look in the mirror
I see Antonio Banderas 

Macho guys stare at me with
looks that could kill WHY


I am a gender bender 
bending rules of gender a
boy/girl not belonging but
somewhere in-between 



Passing through Tompkins Square Park on a warm,
sunny, April day – young Turkish man with tan, tough
skin stares me down; long, hard, like the male animal
in the wild, menacing, mean, eyeing me threateningly
stance still, stiff, poised to do what? Kill? Defiantly,
definitely, protecting his turf from what? The masculine
dyke who threatens his security, masculinity by her
presence – defiantly trying to show me he knows my
game; he’s the leader of the pack: he’s the Macho:
he rules the roost: he rules his kingdom he’s King
of his castle, his jungle: he’s the bull: he’s the cock
that crows: he has the cock; he runs with wolves

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Dominic Gatto

Dominic Don Gatto has worn many hats over his lifetime. He has been an actor, writer, teacher, and NYPD police officer. Dominic has been writing for most of his life, and his poems are considered rich and emotionally complex. Dominic is proud to be on the transgendered spectrum and resides in Florida.