This piece is featured in Issue No. 15 Say Something



Before you is a cliff
Close your eyes
Did you see it?
Now open them.
Is it still there?
Observe the cliff.
The face is sheer and it seems to stretch up into forever, the top arching out over you like an
The sun is bright. It hurts to look up for too long but don't look away from the top, your goal.
You are only one of a vast crowd of people at the base of this cliff.
Some people have climbing gear. Some have only bare hands and feet.
Do not focus on what the others have or do not have.
Touch the cliff.
It's hot already from the sun. The stone is sharp, splintery and worn.
People are starting to climb.
Are you ready?
Rub some dust on your hands.
You can do this.
Hands secure? Are you sure?
There we go, that's better.
Place your foot on that ledge. It's okay, it should hold your weight. Curl your toes. Good.
Now pull yourself up.
Reach for your next handhold. Don't worry about the people around you right now.
Good. And your feet as well.
Well done.
Now do it again.
You're getting the hang of it now.
Keep your eyes facing ahead.
Is the rock burning your hands yet? Yes? I thought so.
It's only going to get hotter as the sun climbs higher in the sky with you.
You must learn to ignore the pain.
It won't be the worst you feel today.
Ah! Don't put your hand there!
Too late -
You haven't fallen far at least. No broken bones.
The palms of your hands are bleeding. Have you noticed?
You clawed at the stone so ferociously as you fell. I'm impressed.
Would you like me to take your mind off things? The burning in your legs and abs? The hot
blood from your palms mixing with dirt and sweat now sliding down your arms?
You have been climbing for hours now. You passed the midway point some time ago, well done.
There are far fewer people climbing near you no.
Can you feel the cool shade of the overhang above your head?
You're almost there.
You're so close, don't stop now.
Okay. Take a second and catch your breath. There's a ledge right there, to the right. Yeah, there.
The end is always the most difficult.
I know your hands hurt. No, don't rub them. The dried blood is keeping the worst of the cuts
Keep sitting, let your feet dangle and sway in the breeze. The air is thinner here isn't it? But the
wind is refreshing. Take a deep breath.
Take another.
Look out.
Look how far you've come.
Look down.
Ah! Not so quick!
Yes. Like that.
So many people still climbing. So many more yet to start.
You've come so far.
Are you proud of yourself? You should be.
It's now or never. Your muscles are beginning to cool off and cramp. You have to keep going.
Please keep going.
Look up.
Do you see how that person is moving? You won't be able to use your feet as much for this. The
overhang is almost horizontal.
Yes. I know you don't have a climbing pick like them.
You're strong though
And brave
And I'll be here with you
I know you can do this
Reach up.
Yes perfect. Now your legs.
Reach. Grab. Pull.
Yes. Well done.
Ah. You see it now.
You’ll have to jump to get to the next hold
Don't look down
Deep breath
Hold on tight. Try to pull up your feet. You're not going to fall.
You won’t.
Because I say so. Now pull.
Do you see the next handhold?
Yes, you were paying very good attention before weren't you?
Good. Well done.
Just once more, don't worry about the edge for now.
The blood from your hands is dripping into your eyes? Yes it does sting doesn't it?
I'm afraid you can't do anything about it right now.
Do you remember the rhythm?
Now take my hand.
Look up.
Take my hand.
There we go! One, two, three, and up!
Feels nice to sit on solid ground again doesn't it?
Shhh, it's okay. I'm here.
I've been with you this whole time.
You did it.
I'm so proud of you.
Ah. Yes, my hands.
Do they look familiar? Yours will look similar once those cuts turn into scars.
You can touch them.
See? None the worse for wear.
They're a reminder.
Look out. Look at what you've achieved.
You've climbed the impossible cliff.
These hands are proof. No one can take this from you.
It's okay. You can rest here.
The cliff behind us?
You don't have to climb again yet. Not until you’re ready. I haven't.
You’ve already made up your mind then.
Well perhaps, when I do make the climb, it will be your voice that guides me.
I would like that too.
For now though, you should sleep
And dream of how far you will climb tomorrow

Max MacDonald

Max MacDonald (She/They) is a 33 year old queer storyteller from Toronto. Her stories focus on themes of community, family, love, and trauma through the lenses of Horror and Fantasy.